Scott Hewitt - Insights

All insights posted by Scott Hewitt
person completing an elearning courses

The Complete List of Learning and Development Events

Learning Network Logo

Real Projects is a Learning Network Industry Partner

Online Elearning Courses

What to look for in an elearning course library?

LMS infographic showing 2 images

Why SCORM Settings are Important when publishing

Cyber Security: Using ChatGPT

Cyber Security: Using ChatGPT – New Course Launched

Intro to machine learning and AI thumbnail

Real Projects Expands Its Course Library With AI Courses

Real Projects launches new AI Elearning courses. Over 15 new Artificial Intelligence courses (AI)
Elearning image with several words describing what elearning is

Elearning vs. Learning Management Systems (LMS): Understanding the Differences

Elearning, elearning platforms, Learning Management Systems, LMS, Learning Experience Platforms, LXP.  What are they? What do they do and are they the same thing? 
Benefits of elearning courses

What is an elearning platform? 

Image of wooden blocks to show the words LMS. Blocks also show images of tools that are used within an LMS

Do You Need a Learning Management System?

Image of an LMS on a Laptop - people are sat around the laptop. The image is an illustration to demonstrate learning.

How elearning Can Thrive without an LMS

person using a tablet to read e-book or take online elearning course

Considerations When Buying an elearning Course    

Giving Feedback Elearning Course Thumbnail

The Importance of elearning Courses