Scott Hewitt - Insights

All insights posted by Scott Hewitt
Real Projects Library

How do you find voiceover artists for your elearning courses?

where can I buy elearning courses

Where can I buy elearning courses?

Real Projects Library

Why is elearning so expensive?

Real Projects Library

How much does it cost to create an elearning course?

Coping with Stress

Wellness at Work : Coping with Stress

Hybrid Working

Optimising for Remote and Hybrid Working

difficult people

The Five Most Difficult Colleagues (and How to Work with Them)

Remote Working Top Tips

We are an OpenSesame Plus Publisher

hybrid working

5 Ways Remote Teams Fail to Develop the Right Technology-Mix

Remote Working Top Tips

What Are Your Top Tips For Remote Working?

The last 18 months have created a lot of new remote working experts, in HR departments all around the world. Prior to 2020, many companies had given little or no thought to...