We are an OpenSesame Plus Publisher

OpenSesame, the elearning innovator, have included Real Projects to its popular OpenSesame Plus subscription, to extend their offering with a range of creative courses on topics from remote working and business travel to cybersecurity and beyond. 

Global 2000 companies leverage the OpenSesame Plus subscription with over 7,500 curated courses—now including Real Projects’ content— to accelerate employees’ development with high-quality, learner-focused training courses.

Real Projects have 15 years’ experience delivering unique elearning resources for some of the UK’s biggest organisations. To create the courses available through OpenSesame Plus, they’ve drawn on their deep expertise in elearning, game design, UX/UI and creative writing. Understanding that organisations have complex training needs, Real Projects resist formulaic approaches, and instead offer a range of course-types to suit different learning styles.

“OpenSesame is an excellent partner organisation for us,” said Scott Hewitt, Real Projects’ Founder and CEO. “The detailed feedback we receive from the platform allows us to improve our courses, develop and grow, so this partnership directly improves the learner experience.”

OpenSesame helps develop the world’s most productive and admired workforces. With the most comprehensive catalog of elearning courses from the world’s top publishers, we are here to help you every step of the way, from finding courses, mapping them to your core competencies, syncing them with your LMS to increasing utilization and improving your L&D programs. Not only will you have the flexibility of multiple purchasing options from OpenSesame, you’ll find it simple to use and administer your elearning courses. To learn more, visit www.opensesame.com

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