Wellness at Work : Coping with Stress

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new course Wellness at Work: Coping with Stress. 

It’s the first installment in our new Wellness at Work series, which will teach the techniques needed to maintain and improve personal wellbeing in the workplace.

According to research conducted by the Health and Safety Executive, stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 50% of all work-related ill health in 2020/21.[1]

It’s a major problem. When people start to feel stressed, it can have a serious, negative impact on both their health and their work. But there are solutions. It doesn’t have to be a complicated issue to solve. Simple steps can be taken to improve wellness at work and help colleagues handle any unavoidable pressures they might face.

Our new course teaches learners how to cope with stress. It informs them about the six main causes of workplace stress and explains their mental impact and the way they alter how we perceive situations. It equips them with the best methods to deal with pressure and helps them to avoid behaviours which make things worse. 

“We’re seeing a lot of demand for courses that help people navigate the pressures of the modern workplace,” says Scott Hewitt, Real Projects CEO. “Our new package of courses will allow businesses to improve the wellbeing of their colleagues, giving them the tools they need to adopt healthy habits and look after themselves at work.”

There are always going to be times when there’s pressure at work. Often, that can be a good thing, helping motivate people to produce their best work. But at times it can get too much. Our course allows people to prepare for these times and get through them.

Wellness at Work: Coping with Stress is available now through our content partners. Get in touch if you’d like to learn more about our offering.

[1] https://www.hse.gov.uk/statistics/causdis/stress.pdf

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