Why Would You Use An elearning Library?

The elearning market has grown by 900% in the last twenty years and it’s predicted that this trend will continue gathering momentum in the future. 

Businesses and organisations are leaning towards incorporating online learning to train their workforce because the data collected implies that learning retention is increased between 40 and 60% and upskilling leads to a greater return on investment, and greater profit margins, with this form of learning. 

In order to guarantee the training provision you’re offering is of the highest quality, you will want to incorporate an elearning library. An elearning content library is a place where all digital files are stored in order to complete training and maximise learning outcomes. 

Read on to find out how an elearning library could revolutionise your organisations learning and training needs. 

What are elearning libraries?

All media, audio, text and video files are kept in the elearning library. Files, documents and media can be accessed, read, downloaded and edited from this one central storage location. 

Elearning libraries are generally deployed through an organisation’s Learning Management System (LMS). An internet connection is required although in certain circumstances the elearning library service can be accessed directly through the LMS

Elearning libraries contain course modules, courses in their entirety, pre-built courses and industry-specific courses. Courses are written by industry leaders and professionals so that individual organisations do not have to write the content themselves. High-quality materials are curated, such as gamification, quizzes, multimedia experiences. 

Collaborative software enables learners to communicate, share ideas and support one another. Basically, an elearning library serves the same purpose of a regular library and facilitates learners to interact without entering a class based setting. 

Consistent Learning Experience

Access to an elearning library levels the playing field for all learners because it can be accessed whenever and wherever the participant chooses. It also enables those learners who like to revisit learning resources multiple times the option to do so–at their own pace. Studies have shown that elearning libraries are also beneficial for the neuro-divergent learner. 

Research shows that because elearning is self-paced participants feel reduced levels of stress. There is a tendency for contemporary learners to opt for ‘bite-sized’ learning and using elearning libraries facilitates this. Research discovered strong evidence to suggest that self paced learning enables a much higher degree of retention–between 40 – 60% online opposed to 8-10% class based.  

Because the elearning library is shared, all participants are able to access the same high-quality materials. Knowing just where to locate relevant information saves time and frustration–we all know how infuriating it can be to search fruitlessly for the correct materials and resources. 

This sense of shared space and a shared place to learn unites learners and inspires a feeling of collaboration and togetherness. Of course, the ability to access learner forums adds weight to this sense of coalition, and our elearning library. Studies have shown that those who learn in this virtual format can experience just as positive interactions with peers as those who learn in a classroom. 

Continuous Learning Experience

We all know that what’s cutting edge today can be tomorrow’s bin fodder. The digital age is a roller-coaster ride that we all want a seat on-but it does come at a price. In order for you to stay relevant, the culture of continuous learning must prevail. 

This means training in your organisation must be an ongoing and continuous cycle. Here’s where an elearning content library comes into its own. Whether you know what you want, or you need support in determining your next steps, Real Projects can work with you to set the process of continuous learning in motion. 

There are two main sources to motivate continuous learning, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. For us to learn successfully and indeed, continuously, we need both sources to be triggered. 

Intrinsic motivation is activated when learning materials are interesting, diverse and stimulating. When we are intrinsically motivated, we learn because our curiosity has been set in motion and we are keen to learn for the sake of learning itself. 

Extrinsic motivation focuses on reward, such as remuneration or promotion, and praise. 

A successful elearning content library motivates learners to acquire new skills, enhance their performance and adapt to industry trends on a continuous basis. If the learning materials are high quality and enjoyable to work through then intrinsic motivation is primed. And, if the promise of promotion and reward are on the table, then so will be extrinsic motivation.  

Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration

Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration: Discuss how an elearning content library promotes knowledge sharing and collaboration within the organisation, allowing subject matter experts to contribute content and share best practices.

Motivating people to learn can hit any number of hurdles; time constraints, digital literacy issues and limited understanding of technology, just a few. One of the biggest concerns around elearning has always come back to the perceived feelings of isolation online learners may have. 

Yet, research shows that online interaction can be just as positive and face-to-face. An elearning library facilitates collaboration and interaction between learners. If participants are learning remotely and in isolation, the xAPI software enables real-time collaboration and the use of messaging services to support, discuss and share ideas. 

Off-the-shelf and custom built courses use only the most highly qualified professionals to disseminate information that transposes into really deep and profound learning. Creating this in individual businesses would cripple training budgets before the first module had been completed. Elearning libraries facilitate the use of the most talented trainers who share best industry practice and allow participants to knowledge share and collaborate. 

Compliance Training

Compliance training is mandated employee training. When new legislation comes into practice or updates made, employers have a legal responsibility to train their workforce. These changes are often linked to health and safety and employee concerns. In May 2023 alone there were 22 compliance updates to The Legislation Updates Service, so it’s clear that these changes happen often and in abundance.

Elearning libraries facilitate top-notch industry-specific and compliance training. As we’ve touched on before, the digital age is accelerating at turbo speed. For any organisation to keep up with new advancements a recognised and trusted system of training needs to be implemented. An elearning content library updates with real time advancements.

Using elearning content libraries to facilitate this form of training keeps your workforce up-to-date with the continuous cycle of changes. Elearning libraries support compliance training by being:

  • Interactive
  • Flexible
  • Accessible
  • Cost-effective

An elearning content library replaces the need to ‘bring in’ training. It’s a multimedia experience that allows your learners to access ‘bitesize’ learning wherever and whenever suits them. Learners that require time to browse materials more than one can do so, obliterating the idea that learning is stressful. 

Another boast of the elearning library is its organisation. There are no paper folders to lose and no laborious black and white printouts to hand out and annotate–which can be a soul destroying experience. 

An online learning library can be curated and customised, even branded, to meet the needs of your organisation and updates with industry changes. It simply does the job of training your organisation, using the best teachers in the industry–so you don’t have to. 

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